"...Psychedelic New Yorker Noah Wall caught a serious buzz in September with the release of his great Hèloïse album, a genre-hopping project made in the memory of his mother. And since then, he's found new and interesting ways to promote the record, most notably hiding 38 physical copies of the album throughout Manhattan for his fans to hunt down. He's also decided to look back to his younger years, specifically his four-track recordings done in the mid-'90s. That brings us to the beautifully noisy, raw, and melodic Why Lie, I'm 35. The 30-minute EP is a 12-track-long journey through swirling distortion and feedback that lends itself to some of the year's most captivating tunes. How this didn't get released and picked up when it was recorded is beyond me, but we're just glad Wall decided to finally liberate the EP for the rest of us to hear..."
— Prefix
